Monday, March 27, 2017

Works 1918 - 1923

On the History of the Question of the Unfortunate Peace [Often cited as the "Theses on the Question of the Immediate Conclusion of a Separate and Annexationist Peace"]
Speech in the Moscow Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, [March 12, 1918]
Speech in the Moscow Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, [April 23, 1918
Speech at the Unveiling of a Memorial to Marx and Engels 
Speech at a Meeting of Delegates from the Poor Peasants' Committees of the Central Gubernias 
Speech Delivered to a Meeting of Delegates from the Moscow Central Workers' Co-operative 
Speech to the First All-Russia Congress of Land Departments, Poor Peasants' Committees and Communes (P) 
Speech at the First All-Russia Congress on Education
Speech at Presnya District Workers' Conference 

Speech in Memory of Y. M. Sverdlov at a Special Session of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee
Wireless Message of Greeting to the Government of the Hungarian Soviet RepublicMarch 22, 1919 
Speeches on Gramophone Records
Foreword to the Published Speech "On Deceiving the People with Slogans About Liberty and Equality"
The State (P) 
Speech at the First All-Russian Congress of Workers in Education and Socialist Culture
Speech at a Non-Party Conference of Workers and Men of the Red Army, August 6, 1919
Speech Delivered at the First All-Russia Conference on Party Work in the Countryside
Address to the Second All-Russia Congress of Communist Organisations of the Peoples of the East 
Draft Resolution of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) on Soviet Rule in the Ukraine
Speech Delivered at the First Congress of Agricultural Communes and Agricultural Artels

Speech Delivered at the Third All-Russia Trade Union Congress
Speech at an Enlarged Conference of Workers and Red Army Men in Rogozhsko-Simonovsky District of Moscow
Preliminary Draft Theses on the National and the Colonial Questions. For the Second Congress of the Communist International
Preliminary Draft Theses on the Agrarian Question. For the Second Congress of the Communist International
Speech Delivered at the Second All-Russia Conference of Organizers Responsible for Rural Work
Speech Delivered at the Meeting of Activists of the Moscow Organisation of the R.C.P.(B.) 

Speech Delivered at the All-Russian Congress of Transport Workers
Report on the Tax in Kind, Delivered at a Meeting of Secretaries and Responsible Representatives of the R.C.P.(B.)

Notes of a Publicist. On Ascending a High Mountain . . .
To Comrade Molotov for the Members of the Politcal Bureau Re Comrade Preobrazhensky's Theses 
Letter to Molotov for the Plenary Meeting of C.C., R.C.P.(B.) with the Plan of the Political Report for the 11th Party Congress
Note to J. V. Stalin With a Draft Decision for the Politbureau of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) on the Q' of the Foreign Trade Monopoly
Letter to J. V. Stalin and M. I. Frumkin and the Assignment Sectretary
Memo to the Political Bureau on Combatting Dominant Nation Chauvinism
Telegram to K. M. Tsintsadze and S. I. Kavtaradze
Interview Given to Michael Farman, Observer and Manchester Guardian Correspondent
Interview with Arthur Ransome, Manchester Guardian Correspondent
Speech at a Plenary Session of the Moscow Soviet
Letter to J. V. Stalin for Members of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) Re the Foreign Trade Monopoly
Letter to J. V. Stalin for Members of the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) [re foreign trade monopoly]
Letter to the Congress  [Lenin's so-called "Testament "] and Granting Legislative Functions to the State Planning Commission

To P. A. Axelrod [Beginning November, 1895] 
To P. A. Axelrod [Mid-November, 1895] 
To P. A. Axelrod [August 16, 1897]
To A. N. Potresov [September 2, 1898]
To A. N. Potresov [April 27, 1899]
To A. M. Gorky [February 7, 1908]
To A. M. Gorky [February 13, 1908]
A Letter to A. M. Gorky [February 25, 1908] 
To A. M. Gorky [March 24, 1908]
To A. M. Gorky [April 16, 1908]
To A. M. Gorky [April 19, 1908
To Maxim Gorky [end of November 1913]
To S. G. Shahumyan [May 19, 1914]
Record of Wireless Message to Béla Kun, March 23, 1919 
Journal of Lenin's Duty Secretaries, November 21, 1922-March 6, 1923
To G. V. Plekhanov [January 30]
To P. A. Axelrod [July 9] 
P. A. Axelrod [July 23] 
To the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P. [September 7 (New Style),
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 10 (23), 1917
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 16 (29), 1917